Information on resource 'MASER TFCat Database'
TFCat Database for MASER
Tables defined within this resource descriptor
- tfcat.epn_core – queryable through TAP and ADQL
- tfcat.fogg_akr_wind – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Fogg et al. 2022 and 2023: Bursts of Auroral
Kilometric Radiation individually selected from Wind/WAVES data
- tfcat.leblanc_nda_jupiter_emi – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Leblanc et al. A&A (1981-1993) Jupiter Radio Emissions
- tfcat.leblanc_nda_jupiter_obs – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Leblanc et al. A&A (1981-1993) Jupiter Radio
Observations Catalogues
- tfcat.louis_juno_waves – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Louis et al. JGR (2021) Jupiter Radio Emission
Catalogue in Juno/Waves observations
- tfcat.marques_nda_jupiter – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Marques et al. A&A (2017) Jupiter Radio Emsision
- tfcat.taubenschuss_frp_saturn – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Taubenschuss et al. Icarus (2021) Saturn Faraday
Rotation Patches
- tfcat.wu_anomalous_nsmr – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Wu et al. 2022: Saturn Anomalous Myriametric
Radiation, A New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini.
Supplementary material: Catalogue of events
- tfcat.wu_nkom_saturn – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Wu et al. 2021: Statistical Study of Spatial
Distribution and Polarization for Saturn Narrowband Emissions.
Supplementary material: Event catalogue
- tfcat.wu_skr_harmonic – queryable through TAP and ADQL
TFCat table for Wu et al. 2022a: Catalogue of First Harmonic Saturn
Kilometric Radiation Observations during Cassini’s Grand Finale
Copyright, License, Acknowledgements

This data is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
[Manage RD]