ADQL Query
Service Info
An endpoint for submitting ADQL queries to the data center and
retrieving the result in various forms.
PADC TAP Server on voparis-tap-maser.obspm.fr TAP service
The PADC TAP Server on voparis-tap-maser.obspm.fr's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the cassini_jupiter schema, epn_core from the cassini_rpws schema, epn_core from the expres schema, epn_core from the juno_waves schema, epn_core from the lofar4sw_proto schema, epn_core from the maser_services schema, epn_core from the spase_vespa schema, epn_core from the stereo_waves schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core, fogg_akr_wind, leblanc_nda_jupiter_emi, leblanc_nda_jupiter_obs, louis_juno_waves, marques_nda_jupiter, taubenschuss_frp_saturn, wu_anomalous_nsmr, wu_nkom_saturn, wu_skr_harmonic from the tfcat schema, epn_core from the voyager_pra schema, epn_core from the wind_waves schema.
Cassini/RPWS Kronos Database
VESPA/EPNcore table for the Cassini/RPWS Kronos Database
ExPRES Simulation Database
Service Info
ExPRES Simulation service catalog
ExPRES Simulation Database
ExPRES Simulation service catalog
Juno/Waves database
Juno/Waves database at LESIA. This collection contains L3 data
products. This collection is maintained by the MASER team.
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Leblanc et al. A&A (1981-1993) Jupiter Radio Emissions
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Taubenschuss et al. Icarus (2021) Saturn Faraday
Rotation Patches
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Marques et al. A&A (2017) Jupiter Radio Emsision
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Louis et al. JGR (2021) Jupiter Radio Emission
Catalogue in Juno/Waves observations
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Fogg et al. 2022 and 2023: Bursts of Auroral
Kilometric Radiation individually selected from Wind/WAVES data
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Wu et al. 2021: Statistical Study of Spatial
Distribution and Polarization for Saturn Narrowband Emissions.
Supplementary material: Event catalogue
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Wu et al. 2022a: Catalogue of First Harmonic Saturn
Kilometric Radiation Observations during Cassini’s Grand Finale
MASER TFCat Database
TFCat table for Wu et al. 2022: Saturn Anomalous Myriametric
Radiation, A New Type of Saturn Radio Emission Revealed by Cassini.
Supplementary material: Catalogue of events
MASER TFCat Database
MASER/TFCat products
MASER Voyager PRA Dataset List
Service Info
MASER Voyager PRA (Planetary Radio Astronomy) Datasets catalog.
Voyager PRA Datasets
Voyager PRA (Planetary Radio Astronomy) Datasets catalog. The dataset
are originally published by several data centers: NASA/PDS,